Almost Christmas…?!

Hi there!

Do you also love the christmas market in Bruges?? This friday the ice track, the little shops & bars officially opened. It’s very cosy (but a little bit cold). But of course there is a very obvious solution for that.. Yes, I can see you thinking.. Alcohol!

The most popular drink in the winter time and on the christmas market is genever – jenever – genièvre. Did you already know that genever can only be produced in Belgium or in the Netherlands? Otherwise it cannot even be called genever.

Genever was produced by distilling malt wine. But actually it tasted really awful, so they added the juniper berry, to make it drinkable. The juniper berry was known for its medicinal effects. So genever is actually a medicine! 😀

It’s now also available on my webshop Taste Belgium. Click on the link to see what flavors are available!

Cheers and bottoms up…




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